Tuesday:6:45 pm: Caught an early session at the movies with Pool Boy and his bottle of water, watched a B- movie with cool special effects, annoyed by the 3D but enjoyed the novelty movements, and half naked men in the movie
9 pm: Pool Boy & I grab some sushi, correction I get some sushi, Pool Boy drinks more water.
Train ride home conversations remains light and funny with a good getting to know you session.
11 pm: Pool Boy & I 'park' by local river, thing get more intimate staring with huggins eventually leading to kissing. Light groping is made by both parties
1 am: Night finishes up with good bye kiss
1045 pm: I run into pool boy, running to meet me for our 11 o clock. I give gifts, cheap thrills
11 pm: I made a bad call, calling his friend a drama queen, doesn't go down well
1130 pm: We hit a mixture of Stonewall & Nevermind. I am a stonewall virgin, charged $5 entry, night is filled with dances, drinks, shots, awkward ex's & awkward meet ups. Cheeky kiss is received on dance floor
3 am: Walk home from gay club, much more making out in a side alley, avoiding strangers, cheesy but nice
5 am: Blast from parents as I walk in the door, where have I been all night, why didn't I call, what am I doing with my life etc, etc
Saturday:7pm: I meet the Pool Boy's family with a pre-prepared background, light references to a life that is not my own to please the oblivious parents. Talkative mum, sweet. Non talking father, shakes hand twice. Eager brother, cute.
730 pm: The Orphanage, scary movie
1030 pm: Closer, deep movie, a new fav
1230 pm: With family asleep we reside to the bedroom. Clothes come off, spooning begins, making out begins. I initiate some cock tease which turns into a solid jerk off. Pool Boy cums, I do not. Unfortunately I have become desensitised by porn, something to work on.
12 pm (Sunday): Awkward moment of being caught in bed together by Pool Boy's parents, they leave house, as do I. No goodbye kiss, must make up for that in next meet.
Have I blown it, by not blowing?